Well we made it safely back to Texas after our fun trip to Utah and Romania. (Don’t worry, we’ll get some posts up eventually about the vacation!) We had a safe drive back and were much happier with our choice of hotel on the way home than we were on the way up to Utah!
This week we’ve mostly just been getting back into the swing of things at home. We’ve been having a lot of rain lately and our lakes have gone up a lot in the last few days. We’re hopeful that this rain, that is supposed to continue for a few more days, will break the drought we’ve been in for so long. +
When we got back home, our AC was all out of wack. We’re supposed to program it online but it somehow got all confused and started blowing heat and stuff. It finally settled down after I reset almost every piece of technology in our home. So much for a “smart” system. We also had an adventure with some sugar ants that invaded our kitchen for a few days. We sprayed them several times and our pest control company, in their infinite helpfulness . . . , also sprayed for them. We think that little adventure is under control!
This has been a big week for James. He has been getting closer and closer to crawling ever since we got back home. He is getting up on his knees more and more. He’ll grunt and yell and make a big deal about it when he’s up and then get back on his stomach and be quiet again. He’s more comfortable on the floor now that he can move around a bit. He’s also started sleeping on his stomach a bit.
We also decided yesterday that he was in need of a haircut. Sarah said, “He has a euro cut in the front and a mullet in the back!” We cut his hair yesterday and he looks like a little man now. His hair still has a cute tinge of orange. It was harder to cut, emotionally, than I thought it would be.
James is also eating more and more solid food. This week he added oatmeal to his glamorous menu of milk and rice cereal. He’s still figuring out how to do the whole spoon thing but he’ll get it eventually. We’ve also been trying to give him a bottle — which he hates.
Eliza had just been cute and good this week. She loves James and tries to help him with his toys and things when she can. She’s also pushing the limits a bit and we have to remind her of rules more often.