Our big event this week was our stake Easter choir presentation. I sang in the choir which has been rehearsing for the last 6 weeks or so. We have a fairly talented group of singers in our stake and they are fun to sing with.We had a rehearsal for our performance on Tuesday evening and were supposed to have a rehearsal on Wednesday also but it was called off. Thursday and Friday evenings were the performances. The first night was pretty good but Friday was great. Sarah and the kids came and watched the performance. The kids were good as gold and I was proud of them. We sang well and the spirit was beautiful. I love sharing my testimony through music and this was such a fun opportunity for me.
Wednesday night, because my rehearsal was canceled, we decided to go look at a car at CarMax. We saw a car online that we thought we liked but it was overpriced by about $4000. I was hoping that if we liked the car that I could talk the guy down. We were looking at a Honda Pilot and actually got to test drive it this time which was nice.There were two problems. First, it smelled like urine (sorry there’s no nice way to say it). Second, the guy wouldn’t even talk about price. I know that CarMax has a “no haggle” policy but I was hoping that it wasn’t real and that it was just there to catch gullible buyers. I went through all the comparable cars and online price listings and then made him an offer. He wouldn’t even talk about it. He just kept saying they have a “no haggle” price policy and that was that. We obviously didn’t get that car!
Saturday I went with the youth to the temple. We met at the church at 7:00 in the morning and drove down to San Antonio. It was a really good trip. We had lots of youth with their own family names and I was proud of them for all the hard work they had done to find them. We did around 400 names and it felt good to work in the temple. I got to baptize for a while and that was a treat.
Saturday evening Sarah went to the General Women’s Meeting with her friend Katie Larsen. I talked her into letting me keep James and Eliza so she could just go and focus on the meeting. I kept the kids and we had a good time. I mowed the lawn while Eliza watched and James was napping and then James woke up and cried so I bathed Eliza and got her to bed and then James and I had some quality bouncing time while I tried to get him to go back to sleep. I love these kids. They are both so good and I’m so privileged to be their father.
We’re looking forward to conference this weekend and are trying to get Eliza excited about watching the prophet. She loves to look at our picture of the first presidency and point them out.