We had an awesome week this week. There were a few highlights as you’ll see in the pictures. As far as normal life goes it was a pretty standard week. I worked every day, had scouts on Wednesday and was just a normal person. It’s kind of nice when that happens. Sarah was with the kids and babysat a few times for friends and was generally awesome. Last night our friends the Larsen’s called and invited us to play games. We decided that we hadn’t gone over there for a while and so we literally (well maybe not quite literally) dropped everything and went over late at night to play games. We said we were going to be done by 10 but we left at like 12:30. Yeah, I don’t think any of us expected to last that long. Eliza slept the whole time basically. We had a great time playing and talking though.

Eliza is growing and growing all the time. She is daddy’s princess and makes me tell her that every night when I put her down for bed. Mommy is also daddy’s princess and James is a prince. She makes sure I remember this. She has started eating more independently this week. On Friday we decided that we were going to eat a quick bit of ice cream. We tried to not let Eliza notice but . . . that didn’t work out so well. She wanted to eat some too so we sat her on the counter and let her eat with us a few bites from the carton. She used the “big girl spoon” all by herself and had a grand ol’ time. We decided to let her try to eat by herself that evening. We had tomato soup and she did a great job. She used her spoon the whole time and then drank the last out of the bowl. She’s been using forks and spoons all the time since then. She has also started using 3-4 word sentences. Smarty pants!
I got to come home early from work one day because I had early morning meeting and late night meeting. We took the kids to the park that afternoon and Eliza loved it. She went down the big twirly slide over and over. She loved the swings and just being able to run around. We need to get her over there more.

James is talking more and more and is super smiley (when he’s not trying to get some food). Eliza plays with him more and more and loves to dress him up and put blankets on him. He is sleeping through the night like a champ and we love him. He started giggling, for reals, this week and it is so cute! He’s ticklish almost everywhere so it’s pretty easy to get him laughing. Eliza loves to laugh at his “goo” sounds and talks back to him sometimes.