The most exciting thing that happened this week was that we got to go to the temple with our family. Our friends that we usually trade babysitting with to go to the temple had to cancel on us at the last minute to help with some family things. We decided that rather than cancel our trip this month we would just take the kids down to the temple with us. Eliza had never been down there and we wanted her to see it. One of her favorite primary songs is “I Love to See the Temple” and we wanted her to see the one that we go to.

We loaded up the kids in the car on Friday evening and headed to San Antonio. Eliza slept most of the way down and James nearly exhausted his toy supply as he kept throwing his toys down between his chair and the door where we couldn’t reach them. Eliza woke up just before we got to the temple and was in a pretty good mood especially considering that it was nearly her bed time and she hadn’t eaten dinner at that point. We all got out and walked around the temple. We let the kids touch the temple. Eliza loved the fountains in the front and we had to remind her several times to not touch the water. She also loved looking at all the pretty flowers that are “Jesus’ flowers.” Perhaps her favorite part was the angel Moroni on the steeple. As we walked around, she kept on pointing to it over and over again. She also loved seeing the moon from the temple grounds.

After we walked around, Sarah got to go in and do some work for one of her ancestors while the kids and I went to Chick Fil-A to get some dinner. James wasn’t super happy at this point and he was getting hungry and tired. Eliza was a champ and kept talking to him and telling him “It’s ok James. We going to the temple to get mommy.” It was the cutest thing. He wouldn’t calm down for me but when she talked to him he listened right up. It was a great trip to the temple.

Eliza also got to start her music class this week. There is a lady at church that teaches a music class specifically for toddlers and Eliza is old enough to go this year. Lots of her friends are there from church and it’s fun. They played with drums and got to dance with ribbons and even play the piano. We’re excited for her to be in the class and learn a bit about music and learn a bit about socializing at the same time.

Speaking of socializing, we had another of Eliza’s little friend’s over on Saturday for most of the day. Most of the girls Eliza plays with are older than her but this friend is only a few weeks younger. Eliza got lots of practice sharing and dealing with having to take turns with her toys. She always wanted what the other girl had, of course, and so she had to have lots of reminders about taking turns. She is getting better and better at sharing all the time.

Eliza and James are playing together more and more these days. Because James can move around, he and Eliza are almost inseparable, except for when she runs away. She is starting to be so nice to him and to get him toys when he wants them. They love to laugh together and are becoming better friends.

James is making progress in his eating. He’s starting to not mind textures so much in his food and is starting to expand what he’ll eat. He loved his bread and jam that I fed him for lunch today and is generally happy with anything that has fruit. He still struggles a bit with his meats and with some of his vegetables. He is so happy almost all of the time and has the cutest little sniffy laugh that he does when he’s pleased with himself. He always claps and throws his hands in the air when he’s done eating. He has started laughing a lot (especially at/with Eliza) and will say “a da” when he’s all done with something. He will also say “dada” when I come home. He loves to talk talk talk all the time. He’s also walking along things very well and will switch from the couch to the chair to the table without going to the floor. He’s a really good boy.