James’s 4 month birthday

This week was James’s 4 month birthday. He has grown so much in the last months and they have just flown by. He is talking up a storm. When he wakes up in the morning, he’ll just sit in bed and talk and talk to himself. It is so cute! He’s also starting to get really close to rolling over. He’ll flail his legs and arms around like crazy. He likes it when we roll him around and is on the verge of being mobile. He is super close to cutting his two bottom teeth and they have been driving him a little crazy this week.
James turned 4 months this  week!
James turned 4 months this week!
He is a handsome boy! (Don't mind the teething drool!)
He is a handsome boy! (Don’t mind the teething drool!)
Eliza has been getting better from her cold that she’s had for several weeks. She started going to bed with her water last week so that she could get a drink when she started coughing. She is getting back to her normal spunky self. She started trying to jump and will run around the family room saying “jumping, jumping, jumping” and “I do it! I do it! Funny!” Her vocabulary is growing and growing.
Eliza love books and has started to read to herself while in bed.
Eliza love books and has started to read to herself while in bed.
Loving her books!
Loving her books!
Eating her "ogurt."
Eating her “ogurt.”
Playing "Pretty, Pretty Princess" with her friends Lydia and Dean
Playing “Pretty, Pretty Princess” with her friends Lydia and Dean
"Jumping, jumping!"
“Jumping, jumping!”
Eliza made a tower in nursery this week.
Eliza made a tower in nursery this week.
Sarah is a great mom. She lets Eliza help her cook all kinds of things. This week they  made piggies in a blanket and some peanut butter energy bites (among other things). She was going to teach a new member lesson about family history this morning to two of the youth who were recently baptized but no one ended up showing up. Her companion is looking for a new house and is super busy so Sarah’s having to pick up some of the slack.
James cuddling with Sarah.
James cuddling with Sarah.
Eliza helping Sarah makes piggies in a blanket
Eliza helping Sarah makes piggies in a blanket
I had my scout’s medieval campout this week. We had 19 scouts come and 4 leaders. The Venture Crew (Priest’s Quorum) planned it this year and did a pretty good job. It was cold this week and we considered cancelling it when school was cancelled on Thursday because of “ice.” It ended up being awesome weather and we had a great time.
Adam and Eliza tickling James.
Adam and Eliza tickling James.
Eliza wearing Adam's coat.
Eliza wearing Adam’s coat.
On Thursday, school was canceled and my work was delayed opening until 10:00 because of a huge ice storm that was supposed to happen. I predicted that there wouldn’t end up being a storm because last time everyone closed up there wasn’t a storm. Sure enough, there wasn’t really a storm and it ended up being really beautiful.