Well folks, I realized that I haven’t posted on this blog since July. Pathetic. I haven’t been so great at writing in my journal for a while either, so within the next couple of months, I’ll (hopefully) be writing about some of the big things that happened in the past little while.
To start, my dear friend, Jenny, got married last month!

I am soooo thrilled for her. We were roommates at BYU for 2 1/2 years. We talked a lot about things that were most important to us. I remember that once we were being silly college girls and made lists of all the qualities we wanted our husbands to have (Adam has every one, and if I remember correctly, I’m pretty sure Jenny’s husband meets all of her qualifications too). 🙂 After seeing all the worrying and waiting and working she did to find that right guy to marry, I’m sooooo glad that things worked out for her!

Jenny got married in Arizona. I flew down on a Thursday, but Adam didn’t come until Saturday. (Jenny went through the temple on Thursday, and I wanted to be there for that. She got married Saturday.) My other former roommate’s family lives five minutes from my friend, and they graciously invited me to stay with them. That was a blast. Her mom reminded me so much of my old roommate in her expressions and kindness. (My former roommate wasn’t there because she is on a mission right now.)
I spent a lot of time at my friend’s house on Thursday and Friday helping them get ready for the family dinner and for the wedding itself. Jenny’s family is awesome. Every person in that family has an amazing sense of humor, intelligence, sarcasm, and wit. It was so fun hanging out with them. I was hoping that they would put me to work so I could help out with things, and they did just that. I felt like I was part of the family–whipping lots of cream, ironing Jenny’s dress, making boutonnieres (which was so fun and simple!), eating leftovers, helping choose picture frames for the wedding reception, helping her pack for a honeymoon, moving, school, and storage, etc. Jenny’s home had such a good feeling in it. I had never been there, and it was fun to see where she grew up and see how her family functioned in their habitat.

I was glad to be busy on Thursday and Friday too because I missed Adam. You know, I miss Adam anyway when we’re apart, but add to that all of this talk of weddings and love and seeing everyone with their sweethearts, and it made me really miss my Sweetheart.

Jenny’s wedding was so beautiful! She got married at 3pm, so the morning was fairly relaxed. We took pictures and then headed to Jenny’s church building to eat a quick meal so we didn’t starve until the reception started (especially the bride and groom!). Whoever set up the tables covered them with butcher paper and put jars of crayons on the tables. It was so fun. Jenny’s family is also very artsy, and they drew some hilarious sketches.

The reception was lovely! Honestly, it reminded me a little bit of Bilbo’s 111th birthday party on the LOTR movie, but much lovelier and classier and minus the drinking (although there were some delicious Italian sodas being served!).

Adam and I helped Jenny’s siblings decorate the car. It was so great. Adam was a pro after helping with all his former roommates’ cars, but it was new for me. After the happy couple left, everyone just stood in the road laughing and joking (and doing the baked potato dance). It was awesome.

The next day was wonderful. Adam’s mission president, Elder LeSeuer, lives about twenty minutes from Jenny’s family, and we were able to go to church with his wife. They had us over for dinner afterward, and Elder LeSeuer sat and talked with us for nearly two hours. He not only talked with us–he taught us, lifted our spirits, and prayed with us. I had only met him briefly once about a year-and-a-half earlier, but he treated me as though I was an old friend and spoke to me just as much as he did to Adam. I can’t really describe the perfect Christlike love I felt from him and the Spirit that radiated from him. I have only seen and felt that kind of love and Spirit from a few other people before. I didn’t want to leave. I could see how much they loved Adam and he them, and I loved them too. He is an incredible man, and his wife is incredible as well. I hope I am even a smidgeon as good as them someday.

Needless to say, this trip to Arizona was amazing.
2 responses to “A Trip to Arizona”
Sarah you look so pretty!!! I guess Adam looks good too 😉 miss you guys!
I love this post! Thanks for sharing pictures from Jenny’s wedding! I wish I had been there, and that all of us had been there, it’s been way too long since a full 215 reunion (your wedding maybe?). Wow. That’s too long. Love you, Sarah!