This has been a bit week of growth for our family. Actually, this growth has been coming on for a while but we actually documented some of it this week in photo form and wanted to share it with you.
Eliza is getting better and better at feeding herself. She can use a spoon pretty well and is getting better with a fork. She can eat a whole bowl of oatmeal by herself. Her little plastic forks are really not great so we’ve been letting her use one of our little metal forks. We bought her some new training ones that are actually metal yesterday so that will make it easier. She loves to feed herself. We let her sit at the table in her booster one night and she thought that was pretty great.
On Monday we learned about the creation for FHE. Sarah and Eliza had made play dough that day and so we let her play with it and make the world while we read the story to her. She was a good listener and thought the dough was pretty great. She liked pointing to all the animals in the photos.
Today, Eliza kept on asking for “Sarah, Cello” over and over. We let her carry around Sarah’s phone and watch Aunt Sarah play for her. We’re glad that she has refined tastes in music. Apparently they tried to sing songs in nursery today and she didn’t appreciate it very much. The nursery leaders said that she was giving them funny looks. They must have been out of tune or something! 🙂
James has been super happy this week. He has a big smile and has started responding to being tickled. He loves to watch Eliza and thinks she is pretty awesome. He is a sweet, calm boy and we love him.
Sarah held down the fort while Adam was traveling to Utah. She drove ten times on her own and almost took the kids to Chick-fil-A! (She drove through the parking lot and the line was too long and the kids were too tired.) Woot!
I traveled to Utah this week to recruit at BYU. This is always an exhausting trip for me with lots of traveling, lots of talking, and not enough sleep. It was fun to see a few of the family though and I had a good time. BYU really needs to not put this career fair on Valentines week though.
Some of our friends in the ward invited us to a Chinese New Year potluck today and so we went after church and had yummy Asian food. There were several Filipino dishes and I had a great time. Eliza ate everything really well.