Eliza’s 3rd Birthday
Three years ago this week Eliza joined our family! Our lives were forever changed for the better as we welcomed this sweet, spunky, little girl into our home and into our hearts. We have loved watching her grow up these last three years and this week we had a great time celebrating her birthday. She […]
Happy 1st Birthday James
This week our sweet, smart, talkative boy James turned 1! We can hardly believe that it’s been a whole year since he came into our family. He has grown so much and has brought so much joy into our lives. He is always talking about something and loves to laugh and have a good time. […]
Birthdays and Easter Week
Happy Easter! We are so grateful for this week that we are able to focus our time on remembering the life and sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. We had a pretty simple celebration this week. We moved our scripture study to reading from the New Testament each night about the life of Christ. Eliza […]