Eliza’s 3rd Birthday

Three years ago this week Eliza joined our family! Our lives were forever changed for the better as we welcomed this sweet, spunky, little girl into our home and into our hearts. We have loved watching her grow up these last three years and this week we had a great time celebrating her birthday.

Eliza on her birthday standing by her completed birthday chain.
Eliza on her birthday standing by her completed birthday chain.

She has been looking forward to her special day as only a three-year-old can. Sarah made her a paper chain that she’s been removing links from every day for the last few weeks to see how close she is to her birthday. It has been so fun having her so excited.

Playing with playdoh on her birthday
Playing with playdoh on her birthday
Playing with shaving cream
Playing with shaving cream

We tried to make her birthday a special day for her. She started off her day going to the doctor for her checkup. This was actually something that she was really excited about. She loves the doctor these days and likes to play doctor with us at home. She is in great health. 99th percentile for height and right on par for everything else. She’s one tall girl.

Eliza and Daddy building her bed.
Eliza and Daddy building her bed.
First time in the new bed.
First time in the new bed.

Before her party at night, she had a fun-filled day at home. She got to play with play-doh and shaving cream on the table and mommy let her watch a movie too. On my way home from work I stopped and picked up the bed frame that we got for her for her birthday. The mattress was delivered right before I got home too so while mommy was finishing up the last bits of dinner, Eliza and I went and built her bed. It was so fun for me (and for her) to build it together. She said, “It’s like building a really tall tower from blocks!” She loves her new bed and has been sleeping in it really well.

Eliza requested tortellini for dinner (which we accidentally forgot to buy so I had to run to get some at the last minute). If you know her at all you know that she loves pasta and tortellini is her favorite.

Opening her presents.
Opening her presents.
Giving mommy a checkup.
Giving mommy a checkup.
Ready to sing Happy Birthday
Ready to sing Happy Birthday

After dinner we had her little birthday party. Thank you everyone that sent her presents. She loved everything. The books, the water toys, the ballet clothes, the kaboodle, and the doctor kit. She has been wearing her ballet clothes all week and reading her books in bed. She has been playing with her doctor kit almost non stop and will give all of us checkups and then ask us to giver her one too. James and she will take turns giving checkups to each other with Eliza coaching James on the right way to do it.

Blowing out the candles
Blowing out the candles
Helping mommy fold the wash clothes.
Helping mommy fold the wash clothes.

Eliza is a great helper around the house and this week we started asking her to help us unload the dishes every day. It is her job to unload the utensils and put them in the drawer. She loves to help (most of the time) and it is fun to have her working with us.

James modeling his clothes for the family picture.
James modeling his clothes for the family picture.

The rest of the week was pretty standard. Sarah took the kids on a walk around our little trail this week. We are so grateful to live in such a beautiful area. We love it here and are grateful for everything we have been blessed with.

Eliza being a balerina
Eliza being a balerina
Sarah taking the kids on a walk
Sarah taking the kids on a walk

I decided this week to interview with a company here in Austin that is doing some cool work on a new many-core chip. I interview with them on Monday and we’ll see if anything comes of that.

Our  beautiful neighborhood
Our beautiful neighborhood

Sarah and I went to the temple yesterday too. We got to do a full session which was awesome because we haven’t done that in a while. I’m grateful for Sarah’s help in making sure that we get to the temple every month. It has blessed our lives.
