Happy Easter! We are so grateful for this week that we are able to focus our time on remembering the life and sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. We had a pretty simple celebration this week. We moved our scripture study to reading from the New Testament each night about the life of Christ. Eliza has enjoyed looking at the pictures of Christ’s last week. We’ve been putting a picture on the wall each day after we read and using that to help us talk about Christ during dinner.
As you probably know (I hope :)) Sarah and I both had our birthdays this week. It is fun to have them on the same week but makes it so we end up having way too much candy in the house. This was compounded this year by all of the candy that we got for Easter. Oh well, we’re going to eat poorly this week and then try to repent. Sarah made me delicious fajitas for my birthday and an awesome German chocolate cake from scratch. At the suggestion of Rebekah I finally agreed to let people come over and celebrate with us. We had two of our good friends from church come over and have cake with us. It is fun to have good friends.
Sarah’s birthday was on Friday and we had a bit of a celebration. Sarah wanted Olive Garden so we ordered it out and I picked it up on the way home. The night before her birthday she made a decadent chocolate peanut butter cheesecake. It was awesome! It had a brownie crust and reeses all throughout. We still have a ton in our fridge!
Friday night we also had our ward Easter egg hunt. Eliza had a great time gathering eggs and playing on the playground. She is fearless on the playground. There was a tall rock-wall like climbing thing and she really wanted to climb it. I spotted her once and then she was climbing that thing like a champ.

After the ward activity, the Larsens took our kids and let Sarah and I go on a date. It has been a long time since we went on a real date without the kids. We went to see Cinderella and had a great time together.
Saturday we watched the morning session of conference and then decided to go look at a van that we had our eye on for a few days. I didn’t expect us to actually end up buying it but we liked it and it was a good price and in good condition so we went ahead and became the proud owners of a Toyota Sienna. Yep, we’re a minivan family now. . . I’m adjusting alright.
Today we watched conference all day. The Larsens came over and watched with us in the morning and the kids slept for most of the afternoon session. We loved conference and it was great to hear from the prophet and apostles. It is always rejuvenating to hear them speak and to hear their testimonies.