So the next few weeks are going to be a bit crazy around here with me heading out to my semi annual CHREC meeting (in Albuquerque this time) and then out to scout camp the next week. This week was a good, normal week and we were able to recharge our batteries a bit to get ready for what’s coming.

Because of the normalcy of this week, there isn’t a lot notable to talk about. Probably the most interesting thing that happened this week was that James had a bit of a fever for a few days. We’re pretty sure it was just teething because he’s been working on some molars lately. It was still hard to have him not feeling well.

Eliza also got some 24 hour bug on Thursday. She woke up and wasn’t feeling well. She didn’t eat much breakfast and then threw up soon after she ate. She rested on the couch the rest of the day. When I got home from work, she tried to be her normal happy self but just wasn’t up to it and had to lie down again. She had had a hard night the night before also and hadn’t slept much. On Friday she was feeling pretty much better but had a hard time sleeping that night also. Saturday she was back to her normal happy self and was just as cheerful as can be.

Oh yeah, Monday was Memorial Day. We spent the day in true Arnesen style working around the house. The goal was to do some yard work but it was too rainy so we dusted, vacuumed the cobwebs, vacuumed all the floors, and did some other cleaning. Eliza wanted to watch “Music Man” so after we were done cleaning we let her and James have some popcorn and watch that. In the evening we went over to our friends house to give then a frozen meal because they had a baby coming this week. They invited us in for home made ice cream to top off our Day.

Friday night was James and my first Father’s and Son’s activity. Our ward didn’t do a camp this time but just opted for an evening activity. It was held at Berry Springs park which is just a short drive up the toll road in Georgetown. We had fried chicken and mashed potatoes to eat. James and I played on the playground that they had there and had a grand time. It was fun to just have some time with him but he was definitely missing mommy and Eliza. He kept asking where Eliza was and wanting her to help him do things.

While James and I were at the activity, Sarah and Eliza had a little date also. They went to Chick Fil’a for dinner and then Eliza wanted to go shopping so they went to Walmart and got some fun socks and some fingernail polish. James and I actually got home before they did so we read some books while the girls did their nails. Eliza was so excited about her nails and James didn’t understand why he couldn’t get his nails painted too.

We did get quite a bit of rain this week. It rained basically every night and usually had some pretty good lightning to go along with it. The yard was so wet that I couldn’t mow the corner of the back yard yesterday because it was still under 2 inches of water. This week is supposed to be dryer so that will be a nice change of pace. We’re really grateful for the rain after the years of drought we’ve been having. Our two main lakes are near or over 100% and they have had to release water downstream several times.

Eliza also had her last swimming lesson on Wednesday. She has absolutely loved her swimming class and we are so grateful for Sister Scott for teaching her and working hard with her. We were able to get her some nice flotation things to wear while she continues to gain confidence. It’s fun to see her learning so much.