Last Sunday when we were planning our week we were taking things off the calendar so that we could have as “normal” a week as possible. After the celebrative busyness of the holidays, we wanted to keep things simple this week.

Monday we had our normal family home evening with the kids. We had our lesson on “The Book of Mormon Teaches Me About Jesus Christ.” We showed some pictures from prophets in The Book of Mormon who talked about Christ, and we talked about when Christ visited the Americas. We also sang “Search, Ponder, and Pray” with hand actions for the kids. I’m so glad that we started doing this when the kids are young. They know to look forward to FHE on Monday and it’s just what we do now.

Tuesday I had my normal day at work and went to scouts in the evening. This week we worked on preparing for our next camp-out. A few months back we challenged the boys to cook a meal that was something other than hot dogs and they’re taking us up on the challenge this time. I think they’re going to do pizza for dinner and mountain man hash for breakfast. We also worked on leave no trace training and talked a bit about how we can better be prepared for cold-weather camping.

Thursday I was assigned to bring snacks to work. We have a tradition on my team called “Snack Thursday” where people are assigned each week to bring something to share. This week was my turn. Sarah and I made energy bites and the team loved them.

Friday Eliza and James had music class. We started paying for James this year too so that he can participate in all the activities. He probably loves the class as much as Eliza does.

Today we had church at 9:00 again. We’re still adjusting to to this schedule a bit with the kids. They didn’t get to bed super early last night and I had to wake them up to get them ready for church in time. I don’t think that Eliza got enough sleep because she broke down after 20 minutes in nursery today. She was excited to go and usually she does fine but her lack of sleep last night made it hard for her.

Sarah taught a good lesson today in Gospel Principles class about the Atonement. She has become a really good teacher and shared a great lesson. We both had meetings tonight. I had my scout committee meeting and Sarah had a coordination meeting with the stake Relief Society presidency about the upcoming women’s conference they’re doing. Sarah is doing a musical number and apparently it’s a pretty big production.