
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about our life and how awesome it really is. I hope you’ll forgive me for just writing some of my feelings publicly. I’m sometimes not very good at showing how grateful I am to the Lord for my blessings. I really have so many blessings that I’m sure that I could go on and on. I just want to list a few:

  • I have an amazing, strong, beautiful, talented, smart, good wife.
  • I have a place to live and spend my time.
  • I live in a place where people are generally good and friendly.
  • We have had way more rain this winter here in Texas than we were supposed to. I know the Lord’s hand was in that.
  • I have great co-workers who are friendly and supportive.
  • I have friends who care and try to stay in touch.
  • I have great parents who love me.
  • I have amazing in-laws who raised my wonderful wife and who are supportive of our decisions.
  • I have two awesome missionary siblings who are off having the time of their lives.
  • I have a good job.
  • I can sing.
  • I am able to walk.
  • I have sufficient food to eat.
  • I have a knowledge of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • I have the knowledge that I can live with my sweetheart for eternity if I am worthy.
  • I get to work with awesome Cub Scouts in my church calling.

I hope that I can remember to be grateful more often. I have many more blessings that just these. Some are too personal to share and others are too many to list in the few minutes that I have today. I’m grateful for all of the blessings that I have. I know that these blessings come from God and that I am His son.

One response to “Gratitude”

  1. obviously you forgot to put that you are grateful for your amazing talented, funny and beautiful blonde sister. he he. i’m glad you posted again! get back in the blogging world brother!