Category: Family

  • A week of early mornings

    A week of early mornings

    This was one of the most busy weeks of the year for me at work and that led to kind of a crazy family week too. I was busy almost every morning this week with our annual NI Week conference. I had to be at work super early in the morning to catch the bus […]

  • Peaches, Swimming and Missionary Lessons

    Peaches, Swimming and Missionary Lessons

    This week there was a good sale on peaches at our HEB (that’s the local grocery stores for all you non-Texans). Sarah decided that we should bottle some and make some other peach products so last Saturday I bought a bunch of peaches when I went shopping. The lady at the checkout was surprised that […]

  • Little Adventures

    Little Adventures

    Perhaps the biggest story from this week isn’t actually a single big story at all but rather a series of little adventures. I’ll share a few of them. Every Tuesday during the summer, Pflugerville has a farmer’s market at a historic barn in Heritage Park. They usually have some decent produce and some fun jams […]

  • I’m too tired to think of a fancy title

    I’m too tired to think of a fancy title

    We had a pretty normal week this week. In fact as I sit here I’m having trouble remembering specific things that happened. I guess I’ll just start writing and see how things go. I had a scout camp this weekend and we went out to Inks Lake to swim and boat. We had a pretty […]

  • Having fun around home

    Having fun around home

    Well this has been a much calmer week than the last few. We mostly stayed around the house and didn’t get out and about too much. We have all been a bit tired and so the few things we did this week were kind of a big deal! Monday we had our normal family home […]

  • Independence Day Long Weekend

    Independence Day Long Weekend

    Well we had a great week this week. I got to take Thursday and Friday off of work for the holiday and it was fun to have a few days to just spend time with the family. With all the craziness we’ve had lately this was a welcome change of pace for us. Monday, Tuesday […]

  • The busy week that could

    The busy week that could

    This has turned out to be the busy week that wasn’t supposed to be but we made it through and are all still happy and only somewhat less sane than when we started the week. Monday Eliza had her 2 year doctor appointment. She had to get a blood test (they pricked her toe) and […]

  • Butterfly stroke across the floor

    Butterfly stroke across the floor

    I guess this week was pretty uneventful. I’m sitting here trying to remember what happened and I can’t think of anything. So, either it was so crazy that I lost my mind or nothing happened. Oh yes. On Friday night Sarah and I went to the temple. We haven’t been to a session in San […]

  • James starts moving

    James starts moving

    The big story of the week is that James has started almost crawling. He does a pretty awesome army crawl/belly flop and is tickled pink with himself for being able to move around so much. It’s a good thing that Eliza has as many toys as she does because he’s always into them. She’s spent most […]

  • A bit under the weather

    A bit under the weather

    We were a bit under the weather in both the literal and figurative senses of the word this week. On Monday we had massive raining and flooding all over our area. We had invited people over to have some dutch oven cobblers with us but it was raining so hard that only a few showed […]